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We at Shawnee partner with our families to provide a strong home to school connection. Below are ways we stay connected to our school community and the various communications that families will receive throughout the year.

Tiger Times, Phone Calls & Texts

Each Friday afternoon, our Weekly Tiger Times e-newsletter is sent to your email.  Phone calls and texts are used as necessary for important, timely information. See below for information about our communications portal. 

Social Media

Daily highlights can be found on our social media outlets.

Blue Twitter bird icon
Rounded Square with a camera icon at center and rainbow gradient including yellow, orange, red, pink and purple

    District Communications Portal

    At Lakota, transparent and timely communication is critically important. Using a mass notification system, we deliver important school and district news and announcements primarily via email, but oftentimes by phone and text message as well.

    All parent/guardian contact information updated in FinalForms and then displayed in your Home Access Center account is our primary source of email addresses and phone numbers used to communicate classroom, school and district news. Parents cannot update their contact information in any other portal. Staff are encouraged to update just their phone number via their accounts settings ParentSquare, as noted below. Community members are also encouraged to subscribe to district and school communications.

    Please reference the detailed tabs below to ensure you are receiving Lakota communications that are relevant to you as a parent/guardian, staff member or community member.

    Stay Informed & Connected

    Frequently Asked Questions